The role of the nurse - Replay from the Novartis symposium on care pathways, SFR 2022
As part of the SFR 2022 annual congress, Novartis organized a symposium on the care pathway. In this video, you'll find an excerpt from the symposium, entitled "What roles for nurses? Changes linked to the development of ambulatory care in medicine."
Indeed, the transition to ambulatory care models and the changing roles of nurses in the hospital are two hot topics that are part of the future of rheumatology. The implications are numerous, touching on human resources management, professional training and the quality of multidisciplinary care for patients.
Presented by Professor Bruno Fautrel (rheumatologist, AP-HP GH Pitié-Salpêtrière) and Doctor Emmanuelle Dernis (rheumatologist, GH Le Mans), this symposium offers an analysis of the changes linked to the development of ambulatory care in medicine, as well as information on the varied and essential roles of nurses, with experience shared in rheumatology departments.

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